New for 2020: Being Seen to Be Green Campaign
Our challenge as an organisation is to look after the interests of all our members as well as stay with the times and ahead of them where we can.
One issue we know many of our members care passionately about is the environment and what we can do to ease waste and promote healthier surroundings, not just for ourselves but generations to come.
With this is mind our campaign for 2020 is named 'Being Seen to Be Green' and we would very much like the whole of the YCA to get behind it and make it as successful as last years support of the YAA.
So we issue the following challenge to all branches....
Plant trees - we challenge you to plant as many trees as possible before the end of the year. Let us know how you progress and we will keep a competition chart. If you cant plant a tree locally, why not sponsor another project to do so?
Rejuvenate community spaces, plant pots in public spaces, create community herb gardens or even seed bombing! Take pictures and share in the magazine and facebook.
Make Branch visits to waste recycling centres and see how your waste is managed.
Hold a branch open day where local people can call in and make seed bombs with you whilst finding out about what you do in your branch. What's a seed bomb? Visit the YCA website to find out and a recipe for how to make them.
Have you any ideas for going green? Let us know and we can share them!
So come on ladies.....
how many trees can you plant this year?