West Riding Spring Lunch
12.15 - 12.30pm, Tuesday 22nd March 2022
Wetherby Methodist Church Rooms.
We will be entertained by Yorkshire Author, Milly Johnson.
Milly Johnson was born, raised and still lives in Barnsley, South Yorkshire. A Sunday Times bestseller, she is one of the Top 10 Female Fiction authors in the UK, and with millions of copies of her books sold across the world, Milly writes from the heart about what and where she knows and highlights the importance of community spirit. Her books champion women, their strength and resilience, and celebrate love, friendship and the possibility of second chances. She is an exceptional writer who puts her heart and soul into every book she writes and every character she creates.
Followed by lunch of Ham Salad, followed by a selection of sweets.
Tea/coffee. Please advise on any dietary request.
Tickets £12.00 from:
Christine Clayton, 2 Northgate House, 17 Northgate, Wetherby
LS22 6DZ, please enclose a S A E
01937 583496/07930 748998 or christine.clayton479@btinternet.com